She bared her soul to him And gave him the chance to peek. Everyday she slept in his arms Her dreams were as vivid as ever, Her sweaty palms and palpitations Couldn't lie Not when she bared her soul to this guy. Right from the start In an incredulous altruism, She gave her all to him. He plucked on her heartstrings And made a song out of her. She danced to his breath And to the pounding in his chest. Her smooth skin like silk in his arms, He wrapped her in a paradise In even moments that seemed unwise. His eyes searching in profound wonder, Unwinding, revealing, removing her layers. And with every layer stripped, she grew beautiful. She wept joy In every moment of bliss.
That day when she hung herself He had but a million questions. Every memory created Every moment made Recounting, recalling. And all he could see was A broken angel Her wings could never be fixed And through all that soul baring That's the one tiny detail he missed. He was her addiction He was her catalyst. The zenith of her joy, reached Her repressed guilt burst into flames. Dreams had turned to nightmares And even his presence couldn't subdue it. Her lights were turning dim She was broken even before she realized. And all he was left with Were memories Her touch, Her smile, Her eyes. She was broken, Yes, But she was an angel.