In the eye where I am where there's peace,(so to speak) I take out the album which I carry in a telegram and in those few stunted phrases, my heart again blazes with desire,full of fire and of want.
This is punishment for me and I see retribution in these lines, times though be far are near as I wear out my eyeglass making pass after pass at the words on the clipped sheet in my hand, telegram and the full of memory man and the eye carries me on to the storm that levels all in its path, I shall weep for this no more,bring the winds and let them bore through me and the rains to swallow my tears unshed. I am led like the goat to the pipers of Pan.
I am the telegram becoming the man and the album's a plan to destroy me,though the Devil employs many vices it seems that nothing is fixed and there's a swirling of voices which melt into one,(am i to be that one?) This saxophonic cacophony within which I am caught teaches me, what once before I was taught, I'm a prisoner in the dock and the black cap is on and the 'beak' up ahead says,'you're going to swing John' And the beggars and tramps and those bums that you meet on the islands of midnight where the ne'er do well greets you with,'lend me a dime' all make some time to come to the show where I swing to and fro and...look at my face all bloated and blue, (it's only make up,but what can I do,poor ******* I am) and the eye winks at me,winks at me as if I could see the joke in this,it is funny though, that one feels so tall as the trapdoor opens and you begin the fall but then it's snap, crackle and pop full stop dead end. telegram sent,