here sit i a skalded-babe at a prison-box of metal and wood and plaster.
chained for the span of the elf's glory passing, i shuffle leaves of wood from in to out. i move the hamsterwheel forward inch by inch, or i runabout in a runic-neon-field, with my cheesy, tailess-rodent, biting and chewing away, for the need of budget burning yeilds.
if lucky some snail mail may come to relieve the electronic humdrum. if not,... i suppose, i can knock on the world wide, spiders-door, enter the ether-frame... and see the cat, playing piano, badly in fortissimo. or be a mouse-jockey in the web-led rodeo
then when the elf's are done
home to hearth, i will run,in the rover of the land. to sit by whale road on golden sand.
and go make fodder for the artisan-sawdust-man and the child. for us to eat with carrot-comb and steak-stabber before sitting down replete, for a night in with the zombie-creator.
napowrimo day 13 prompt; write a poem using kennings (kennings are compound words) i took a wry turn with this one, it only sort of fits the brief.