It was silk that handkerchief that she kept in her slim red velvet sleeve that windy night whist out riding she did loose that hanky to the wind wild and free
Holding on to her mighty black beauty she did let her chief fly with the wind and as moonlight fell it did land upon a still pond
A frog still breathing the breath of flies dead in eyes did adorn himself making the silk handkerchief his cloak claiming all the kingdoms of the world
He claimed dark magic for his evil empire bathed those so foolish to follow his lies from spore to twenty ages past he was their glory, for a thousand years to pass
Oh his sick blindness was his ignorance making baby skinned lamp shades as death by his hands came so easily by suicide he'd die in a shallow cowards grave
The lady of the midnight rides oh she did hear of his wicked deeds so she made a black clothed thing a dragonfly, with the heart of fire
It was sent to that time oh to that dark age with jagged wings it did put hate in a box to save fit for another day
That silk handkerchief oh did he know it's worth pudding disdain is now the frog and to our shame, so is this world