They taught me to swim the same way they taught me to ride a bike. lets see what happens when we push her down a hill, will she balance or bite through her lip?
They locked me in the closet, a suitcase, the trunk of our Toyota Corolla and a cardboard box all because I fit ;)
I walked through her room while she studied for her Calculus Final because it was the only way to get to my room (over and over for attention).
They held me down 3 at a time to play piano on my tummy while I shreked for pure joy and fun.
He gave me a boxing name on our trampoline and let me win. I ate his chocolate in her bed. They thought I was a cat licking itself under the covers.
When he came off the streets he gave me video games, Spyro, Pokemon, Zelda, and Sonic At first I didn't know we were related.
She chased me and my best friend around the house Screaming Squeeze my buns of steal baby he never came back.
They held me upstairs while things flew and crashed downstairs forever breaking the lemon squeezer. I cried and he held me, my first memory of him being nice.
She had me live with her 5 days a week 6 years because our parents didn't want to deal, even though she was bulimic. She took care of me but in truth I kept her alive.
They were my first memory, they were there for me, when I was little they were my parents. I jokingly tell people that all my good traits were learned from them.
When they left there was no one left to protect me. All alone, too young to understand them being gone was what made me sad. I was used to having 8 parents and now I have the two that actually gave birth to me.
Haha I say you only have 2. I gave up on them long ago, why would I pick 2 when I have 8?
Forever the 8 of us.
My family (Dysfunctional Parents not included) have taught me everything and I wouldn't be the person I am today without them. Thank you beloved siblings of mine. I love you forever and always.