The monk with his disciples was traveling by car The journey was long and arduous When with a screech stopped it a flat tyre Causing them a break from the rush!
The monk was upset with still a long way to go Halted by this unforeseen obstacle When caught his eyes the river in calming flow Upon her an island’s spectacle!
He asked his disciples to find him a boat For he had some time in his hand The island beckoned him alluringly remote With its forest and the silvery sand!
With one of his disciples he took the boat ride Soon his feet touched the green of the forest He felt the pleasure of being on the other side For a stroll and in the green a little rest!
Walking some way they came upon two men So emaciated their ribcages jutted out Sitting under a tree couldn’t be said for what gain The monk thought them mad men no doubt!
He made a coughing sound expecting them to rise For those men seemed lost in a trance Their spell thus broken they opened their eyes And rose to their feet that instance!
They bowed to the monk in the most courteous grace With folded hands and stooped head No distress of being famished showed on their face They stood tall and ***** instead!
The monk asked what the duo was doing there In that forest wasting out their day Beneath a tree sitting nakedly bare It was not meditation’s right way!
A Guru they must get and follow his creed Must chant the secret hymns taught by him There are rituals to follow rigid paths to tread God cannot be reached by mere whim!
To all his words they nodded humble and serene Not an utterance once escaped from them Remained bowed in respect their frames frail and lean In the forest two seekers without name!
It was time for the monk to get back to the car For remained for him still more mile The island and its forest would soon recede far In his lifespan some memories awhile!
While boarding the car he saw an incredible sight And it broke the hard shell of his pride Those two men were walking in the sun’s failing light Across the river without the aid of a boat ride!
Poetic adaptation of a story I heard from my father.