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Mar 2014
if it were up to me,
i'd wear pyjamas all day
social convention dictates,
that while taking the minutes,
of the meeting for
the arts faculty directorate,
thats NOT okay.

if it were up to me,
i'd wear pyjamas all day.
but my boss says,
it might be
difficult to tell a phd student NO to a grant application,
in a bath robe festooned with purple hippos drinking tea.

if it were up to me,
i'd wear pyjamas all day.
my husband tells me, POLITELY,
that jeggings,
are not best suited to my ruebenesque frame.

if it were up to me ....
apperently it's not. black pants cream shirt and vest it's to be
Written by
betterdays  F/east coast australia
(F/east coast australia)   
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