When I was five years old my grandfather took me to a pond probably in New Jersey but who really knows where lost back there. The sun was setting the light was golden with god rays floating through the trees and clouds reflected in the water. The fish were surfacing rising jumping here and there. Innocence peace perfection.
I was in awe of life and to young to know what this moment would become.
The beacon the lighthouse on the edge calling me showing me the way home.
As exaggeration has set in with aging and pain the moment became the symbol in my dreams trying to make it back to that New Jersey pond and depending on the state of my life and mind in my dreams I would see it over there sometimes hanging in the air in distorted images of cold wicked docks sitting on dry desert lands.
No water no grandfather no peace alone in exposed and vulnerable landscapes and sometimes the water was just over there But I was lost in rooms which had no doors and eyes that had no windows.
Standing on an island surrounded by water but no setting sun no rising fish no grandfather to hold me up on that island spinning.
The beacon calls I have always been moving towards that perfect moment with the sun setting the fish rising my grandfather holding my hand a piece of peace forever the end of my path.