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Mar 2014
Put up or shut up and sit down and button it,you're so into the ******* that you're being fed
you can't see you're being led like a lamb to the table,unable to resist it's almost like you are ****** but you'll fall into the plate and be served up to those fat swine that I really hate,you've been hypnotised by the ******* of lies and the pigs in the sty's have put **** in your eyes and you cant see a thing.
'bring me my bow'
let me draw back the string
all I want to hear is the arrow at it sings, as it brings death to the bureau where we all know they churn out the same sort of agenda,
where these ideals are defended it follows that belief is suspended and I am upended on the end of a rope,
thereby swings the story and **** hope and glory it's each man alone and the dog gets the bone but there's ****** all meat and in the end of it,after the swines and the ***** and the ******* bit by ******* bit
we'll eat ourselves.
Non political broadcast on behalf of the poor ******* who really don't give a ****.
(oops,did I write that out loud?)
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
   r and victoria
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