Sometimes I don't feel anything My nervous system responds as though I am here In this body But I am not I'm somewhere that I find hard to explain Somewhere that I feel may not be a part of real life Or visited by anyone other than me It is a place I may have made all on my own, all for me
Does that make me crazy? You must be asking yourself if I am But I am asking myself "how?" How does it make me crazy that I have created a place of solitude? I go to this place to save myself Because if there's anything I've discovered, it's that I'm the only one who can I grew tired of waiting for someone to throw me a life saver I grew tired of waiting for superman, dangling from great heights So I jumped And I fell into a place that I have coined safe A place I have coined all my own I'm never lost or confused here It's somewhere I belong
So if I have made a wonderland of lies in my mind to keep from losing myself, does that make me insane or completely aware?