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Mar 2014
When I woke,broke my fast,showered,dressed and then at last I leave the home minus keys and mobile phone I'm not surprised at all.
Early birds must wait their turn and I am third in line to catch the worm,the bus is full,I pull another cigarette,get the free tabloided press,with ironed words upon my eyes and once again I'm not surprised.
Stabbings,killings,patented pile creams for twenty shillings interspersed among the news,I amuse myself by seeing words that don't exist or if they do they're in the pages that I missed and failed to read.
At seven fifteen,bus stop C, alighting I call in to Joe's cafe for a tea,he's a refugee and doing very well,he tells me that he's getting wed,I tell him that I'm getting fed up with the daily grind and remind him to cut down on the gin,his eyes like **** holes in the sand and hands shake slightly as he hands the tea to me and then it's off to 143 ,ditch the tea,don the suit,look interested as if I give a hoot,which I do not.
I forgot,forget,give all and yet give in,I only win at five o shock when looking at the office clock,I lock the door,take off the suit I wore and turn into the early worm once more.
If Life's a bore then I'm the drill
fill me full of life.
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
   Terry O'Leary, victoria, r and ---
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