I was walking in the desert. The shadow was long when the dunes went silent and I sank to my knees staring at the skies.
Past an abandoned drum wailing in the winds, where a half-buried mask peeps out of the sand.
When the rain came it poured out in torrents and I had no place to hide my soul.
Forefingers to thumbs, I strain my eye to look through the rummage of life.
Or on the tree in the river island?
But it is like the song that you know you remember but can't put words to: looping in and out,
Where did I leave my heart?
It's hard to tell, when the love dried up like the river in the desert.
'tree in the river island' is a reference to the crocodile and monkey story from the Panchatantra: a version - http://cexams.com/panchatantra/index.php?story_id=36
Allusion to the treacherous path of life that steals our hearts...