I am terrorized by the thought of your hands And what storms they may cause What doors they may open The trail they may leave. I am scared that they will grab hold Real tight when I am too scared to allow them to, They may learn me They may let themselves devour my flesh And surround my eyes when falls become of them. I am scared that they will be able to catch things mid-air That I was counting on them to lose. I am scared that they will kiss my heart with warmth Dance across my lips Massage my spine with the courage I need to dance through sun dried desserts Create a welcome mat to a home that I am trying not to fall into. I am scared that they will be brilliant and beautiful Skilled and flexible Everything I need and want… All I can fathom is terrible things My own hands shake Because you keep giving me beautiful…
I was inspired by a tweet that collided with my skin way too much to ignore... Here it is.