I am cut by the shards of my shattered dreams My hard heart broken by the fist of my own ambition Spilt milk and empty cups All karma now has gone For the Lord now slips away As his every favour, now has gone Alone now I stand in the shadows of my shattered dreams
Lured I was by the mermaid's smile My dreams smash on the rocks of time Broken am I By the crashing waves of change All parts scattered and spread I find myself adrift On the ocean of Oneness
The wolves of destruction devour all hopes and dreams And goddess Kali drinks the blood from my decapitated head I feel the force of my father's fury I stand in a field of rubble Where a castle of faith once stood
My tears of ambition now fall emptying the seas of conquest That enslaved my marooned self on the island of desire Eyes freed from desire see the Love in Kali's eyes And thank the wolves for slaying my hopes and dreams for freedom comes to open A door to the deeper self
Written while feeling into some of my disappointments By :Adam Childs