The words do not flow like they used to. They hardly come to mind at all. Maybe it's because I feel almost absolutely nothing and am only comforted by the numbing sensation of a love that is far too unreal. All this time, I've been searching for something and now, I feel like maybe I've been searching for the wrong thing. Maybe I've only been looking in the wrong places. Maybe I'm too stubborn to accept the reality of a situation. I'm afraid of a love that I can never feel. I'm afraid that the distance between our bodies will always be kept far greater than I can even fathom- even if we were in the same room; holding hands. I'm afraid the connections that our souls share will quickly become tattered and cracked. Maybe I was never destined for love. Maybe I'm supposed to be alone forever. Maybe I'm supposed to have my heart broken... But, maybe, I'm supposed to break my own heart. I think maybe I'm just meant to stay lonely.