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Feb 2014
The earth cries blood from the vessels of life
No haven from the tide of torture about to bequeath
This well trodden land
For 40 days and 40 nights we have bowed our heads
In shame
And still the rain comes

Torrent after torrent to feed our guilt
We pray for sun
An answer that never comes
Tears from the land
Swallow us
Devour us
Feed on our expected want

The land has left and my boat
Is filled
For the masses the search is on
In new pastures
A new life
A new way to treat ourselves
I wait for the calm

Sun oh shine down on my life
Shine down on this world
As I land for the ready
Underneath my look the green shoots
Hold my hand and  
Let the fun begin
andy fardell
Written by
andy fardell
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