I cannot, in all seriousness grant you Absolution for you created the problem Ergo, you must find the solution
I cannot, in all consciousness grant you Pardon for you trespassed, unlightly Therefore, you reap the garden
If you stand proud amongst weeds that cling and nettles that sting and flowers that died before they saw sunlight Struggling through the cracks so they just might pretty up an overcast day and say...
I think this garden should have died yesterday
Then, I may, possibly grant you Forgiveness because you fell blind to beauty, held an abhorrence for Colour, and a scheme that makes no sense to you, but to me, the riotous blending of Earth, to Sun, to the Moon and the Stars are simplicity
As could be
I can't gift you with any emotion that you don't feel I'm not Magical I hold no appeal but in my Garden of never ending cycles of Birth, of Death I offer hope born of longing to be free from barren emptiness I give you a place to sit a place for your soul to rest to find release I offer you Peace