The problem is, no matter that I walk for a thousand miles or a month, or a year I find myself back here where I started from. I am the karma reconstitute,the weak man or the resolute but I always come back to the start and it's the start that's the matter,it begins as I shatter another life that I live and goes on, that's the problem.
I may be that hamster on a wheel,in a cage I can't see but I feel that it's there as everything spins,or am I the doll you stuck pins in but, then I think,if I was punctured I would not spin and I'm back at the beginning,flat on the floor,what's more, I do feel deflated,dried up,desiccated but the karma kicks in and once again I begin to evolve and to spin and the wheel feels so real as I turn into what you would want to believe.
When I was but a lad with snot on my sleeve and in my pocket of sweets where I could then truly believe in some transitional state,I related quite well, but I grew and it all went to seed it's not hell that I need but it's hell that I get and yet heaven's out there, there are angels in Tooting, (like me) reconstituting and waiting for a share of the pie.