The nights have always been the worst. Sitting alone with a drink and some drugs.
Close to the open window, listening to the sounds of the night.
Passing cars and sirens, a couple arguing somewhere down the alley, a whistle set loose by one of the young whose turn it is now to own the same night that I once did.
That slow and lonely fog horn sounding it's warning every 45 seconds a quarter mile out.
The mind filing through the days events. The failures and the progressions that weren't really any type of real progress at all.
Flipping through it all in search of a reason. Images flashing, the infants smile or that girls manicured fingertips gently along your face. Magicly guiding you into a kiss that you knew meant nothing to her at all.
Still drinking, still using, still counting the seconds between the fog horns sounds of the night.
Still trying to keep it all intact. Mind, Heart, Body, and Muse.
Waiting on a word, a line. Something to put down and save for the ages.
The nights are the hardest, that they've always been. But the night is usually when this magic appears.