Today I realized that “healing” from this was my choice. It is not his choice, my husband’s choice, my friend’s choice or even DT’s choice. IT IS MY CHOICE. They cannot stop me from killing myself, From hating myself, from cutting myself or drinking til I black out. IT IS MY CHOICE. I have to decide if I want to live in this pain forever, Remain imprisoned by my past Wallow in self-pity and destructive behavior OR If I am going to help myself And begin to define a new way of living.
I can look in the mirror And tell myself that I am shattered I am in pieces and it is hopeless OR I can tell myself that despite my “trauma” And my struggles afterward, The power to move forward is within me. I have now taken off the costume of the “woman without a history of abuse.” I recognize, admit, and accept that I am that woman And that is my history. And when I look in the mirror, I see that confident woman, The woman with a long history of child abuse and trauma. The woman with the lack of feelings, too many feeling, overwhelming feelings I see her scars and I accept her. I hear her voice, I feel her pain. I see her confidence and beauty. She is REAL not a costume. She is me.
Spend alot of time over that last 48 hours doing some self-reflection on where to go from here. It seems I have been stuck in a rut of being "okay" followed by an "I am far from okay" period. I know this won't be the end but hopefully by accepting the past I can be in control of the future. IT IS MY CHOICE!