Captured by the gleaming point of rage Held bleeding inside my hands It has been so long since I have seen the sight Not sure where my willpower stands*
I have wielded this beast so many times before, Scars ripped from a past so deep, harder to ignore Only sibling blood knows points of stress Ones that raise anger when painfully depressed Yet that never counted is a deeper cost In the heat of a brother's battle… much is lost Not merely the pain can you muster But the cherishing love we used to foster There was a time when you had woke the lion But now wisdom sees how sad that you are trying To provoke a beast that once nearly destroyed you Soon you will see that patience is now my highest virtue I hold all loving pity for your years of my caused pain And I show you the greatest sympathy in my refrain Because I will not give in and hurt my brother Because I know that in your mind…you suffer.