M. That should have taken no more than a couple minutes
MH. Ahhh...no, I was gone a couple weeks. I was going to stay out a month but this site is so addictive! I'm sure our listening audience can attest to that!
M. Audience? No ones listening to this...
MH. But you said...
M. Me?
MH. Yes you said when we were talking that I was going to be on the radio.
M. Dude your me...
MH. I know!
M. Your blowing my mind here...Can we just get on with this?
MH. Sure...What I was trying to do was really just find myself.
M. Find yourself...were your lost?
MH. No just needed to try and do away with some of the junk in my life.
M. I'm starting to wonder if I'm you then why is this the first time I'm hearing about it.
MH. That is odd isn't it..
M. Almost as odd as interviewing yourself.
MH. Almost
M. So any good poems written while you were gone?
MH. To tell the truth I couldn't stop writing...If they're any good only time will tell.
M. How do you think the interview is going so far? Am I doing alright? Asking the tough questions?
MH. I think your the best...That's why I only let me interview myself!
M. Speaking of interviews I've got another one scheduled I really need to run...
MH. Really? With who?
M. Oh it's you but you the World Famous Nuclear Physicist!
MH. But I'm not a...
M. Hey...It's what we call in journalism as a lead in...makes them want more.