Every story has a criminal The one after the treasure The one set on destruction Reaping chaos among the land If this life was a Fairytale I'd be the villain Set on making your world incomplete I'd be the one trying to steal the treasure Out of your locked down chest Stripping you of a life of happiness I'd be the one who failed to overcome The tragedy of my past Failed in mastering the art of love I'm the nobody Trying to make myself a god If this was a fairytale I'd be the villain I'd be the one always losing I'd be the one to die in the end I'd be the one you save As you accidently plunge a blade through my emptying chest As we lay there realizing the faults We both made in this not so happy ending fairytale We both don't get to live happily ever after The main point of it was to see good and evil side by side Happily joining forces to finally see the peace of mind Yet death always is the price a villain must pay When his goal is ending the world Bringing new color into a faded world lost in chaos The villain was the hero The hero was the villain Happiness was prevented By the one they all gave the flag to wave in their name