ever had those days of nagging the ears are punch drunk taking lefts rights and upper cuts the retinue of blows are countless this follows that it's punching bag material you know how Joe Frazier felt when he left the ring stunned to stupification
ever had those days of bagging nothing you attempt to do for people turns out as it should everything ends up pear shaped and asymmetrical the best is done to fix the problems without the proper tools a jack of trades is a cunning fool a master is a pilot ace who do they think you are some super hero
ever had those days of ragging *** shot are taken keeping you on your feet like Ginger and Fred doing a four two step you hope a ****** doesn't lay in wait hitting the all important red dot notice how rabbits dart and dance not wanting to take up the spot light
ever had those days of slagging the words are directed like hacking scissors chopping a crooked edge at your sleeve leaving you at the whim of humiliation you dignity left in tattered shreds where's a seamstress when you want one at a stop work meeting shop stewards are thugs and stand over merchants no one comes to your rescue
have you ever had those days none of us are immune