is it too much to imagine that a fool like you could pity a fool like me
they say birds of a feather flock together yet appariently family is forever too yet everyone knows that's not always the truth
because some families are bound to be broken along with the hearts of unwilling and unknowing children where mommy no longer likes daddy and daddy's bedtime stories stop being told along with mommy's new drinking problem
to these children with the likes of the tooth fairy and easter bunny do they realise that the bogies in their closets moved two houses down and became that man who preys on young girls in their skirts
would you pity that girl who was attacked by the bogie man or do you pity the father who wasnt there to stop it maybe you should pity the younger brother who hung himself after the bogie man was released and the mother who lost herself in her drink
swirling at the bottom of a glass thinking that maybe if she haddent had fallen for that dark haired handsome man who wasn't her husband would she had been able to keep that bogie harmlessly in a closet to hang with coats