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Jan 2014
In this sling shot,whatya got 'cause we ain't got a thing
I bring to you a different view of how
to get along,
singing from the same sheet has got me beat 'cause it don't work,at least it don't for me and though I try to be,I cannot be amazed by new technology,give me a pen and then some ink
let me link the letter trail,let me trace out through the nib the thoughts I pull from Adam's rib and Eve's delight
let me write in semaphore and pour my heart into the page,uncage the reasoning behind the everyday in which I find most everything,let me bind my feet until I meet the pen that walks the other way,let me stay in suspension,pension me into,flood the ink through me,let the words bend into me,open my eyes so my mind can see the oceans inside of me,
and inside you,
where once thoughts flew like blue birds,do you remember?
can you fall once again into the speeding of the brain as it rushes to its end and pretend to pretend that it's real,can you feel to be higher,lick your lips like the fire licks the wood,could you imagine what it's like once more to write the opening of the door,can you make love with the ink,link into the think that you will?
does this view fit the bill?
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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