I could lay here and wonder a million times over What it is that keeps you smiling and sober But nothing in the world could change what Your eyes have seen and ears have heard
I could lay here and listen for a thousand whispers long since lost in space But like the wavelengths of the words never said; I cannot hear a single trace. I know what you feel hurts you to endure- so I will run to cease the pain for you.
I could lay here and hurriedly paddle down the river of tears flowing from your eyes Like waterfalls every drop is a reenactment of the rapids reflected in mountain skies Falling as fast as they are rushed out of broken wishing wells straight from your heart I cannot tell you how much I want to save you from the pain tearing you apart
Let me heal the wounds you keep mercilessly opening up I want to stop the blood from rushing out of your soul I want to keep you safe-I want you to heal-I want you to be okay Stay with me, please- stay with me, I know I can help you if you'd just let me
Let your walls break down and open the curtains of your barrier Let me in Let me in Let me in.