I want to be numb. I don't want to feel any longer.
I remember in the 80s a popular song was: Red, red wine you make me feel so fine......
I've been drinking red wine tonight, taken a couple of ativan with a shot of ***** and I'm still not completely numb.
What can I do to just be numb and no longer feel any of this bone crushing pain.
How does anyone get through this?
I leave my mask on all day long, and ignore the lump in my throat that never goes away, making it nearly impossible to swallow. All day I choke back tears - and anticipate the darkness, when my husband and children are asleep and I can finally let loose the tears of sadness and anger, and remorse and hopelessness that have been building inside of me all day long.
Alone, I cry until there are no more tears, and I fall asleep from exhaustion. Then I sleep for 3-4 hours and the whole process begins again.