We were sitting very quietly on a moonfull Friday night neither connected nor disconnected. There was definitely space between us. We were spinning around each other like two satellites Eye to eye mouth to mouth but never touching. Not angry Not sad Not happy Not bad.
Enough was enough.
When like being shot out of a photon cannon We took the endless ride.
I went your way you went mine. You wentΒ your way I went mine.
Going our separate ways is never easy. The distance between us picking up speed, sent us flinging far far far apart and a way.
When forces of nature take over We can only take the ride Like being on acid there is no place to hide The moment stands vivid in present time. You can't escape by even closing your eyes.
And though far apart never so connected in our life path as now. I took a lover you took your own. I took those pills you nearly died. I failed another job you went on general relief. You found a moment of peace at the seaside and I found the space between words the smile returned I felt that bliss.
Together we hummed "you gotta serve someone" and "every grain of sand."
The years they passed and though a universe apart when you spun I spin and when I spun you spin.
We didn't know where we were until some one found us there we knew then we existed right where we were.
Until the pulls pulled us back together the galaxy running down the drain enlongated and stretched time stopped for us there in the blackness darkness and we met in one endless embrace.
When we emerged we were sitting there very quietly on a moonfull Friday night.