between believing... what I know and... knowing what I believe...
Symbiotic... and toxic... It's a detailed. enigma...
My curse... My passion... an ever present pull... with stubborn intent often directly opposed To the path which I am on...
When I was much younger I developed a systemic and purposeful mission to design the person I was to become
I had carefully weighed... tested and mapped out my "edges" finally setteling on habits, personalities and a type of lifestyle... this allows me a precarious balance... between honor, appearances and fair exchange .. friendship, acceptance and fun...
Something rare during my colorfulΒ Β and... then recent childhood...
Like I said... young... and well...
Once I found my path... I stubbornly believed... That no others... existed...for me
Really young... ...hee hee hee
As we all know... life happens ...
...and I rolled and flowed... and always seed to manage
But I didn't bloom... I just became really good at being me.
Just missing... a really good second... again become...