I'm so scared Sitting here with my cold heart bare I'm tangled and broken And there are so many thoughts I've left unspoken
At this crossroad I'm not sure where to turn There are two paths for which I yearn The Light Choosing this path would be bright The dark This path, lately, has my interests sparked
I'm terrified Because, for once, I feel dark inside I want just to run away from it all I want to hide in God's arms and not fall When did the world become my desire? How long has it been since my heart was on fire?
Inside, I'm crying Everything hurts and I feel like I'm dying To give up or keep going? This is the question inside that keeps growing
I don't like who I am today I'm not even sure how things got this way Confused And Bruised I've forgotten His grace And somehow forgotten how to win this race
When I look in the mirror I shudder Who's reflection is that staring back at me? Because I know that this can't be Erin I see How can God still call me His? How can He love me through all of this?
I'm sorry, I am Please cleanse me in Your blood, my Lamb Sacrifice was made for my life So how can I turn my back on Christ?
Help me, pick me up Give me the strength not to give up I feel like a chicken with its head cut off Running to everything but the cross Remind me again of Your unending love Tell me again because I don't feel loved
Broken I am, and broken I've been Please Jesus kneel down and heal me again
This storm could destroy me But to You it's a breeze Sing over me Your beautiful song Bring me back, Lord, to where I belong
As I rest my head tonight All I can do is hand You this fight And because of You, l'll sleep in peace And tomorrow wake to new mercies
War wages on between the Light and the dark. Please, if you read this, pray for my heart.