I don't know if I'm ready My mind has never been steady These weights are too heavy But I'm afraid to set them down I've found That you can never be prepared No matter how long you've been breathing The air is always surprising when you feel like dying It overtakes your whole being Relieving all the wounds that were left behind Every sign of giving up Becomes a distant memory You wish to capture those feelings Store it away until you desperately need it Can you believe it Can you see how small you are when you stand outside We are all trying to find where we fit in Like the worlds biggest jigsaw puzzle You can't try and make the pieces fit No matter how hard you try to conform them You can hit then a thousand times but it will never work Just let them be where they are supposed to be The world is not about controlling everybody The world is about harmony We are all just tiny specks in one giant universe So why make others feel anymore small then we already are I hate when people try to change who they are I look at the stars and see that they are happy being what they were meant to be And look at the leaves Never satisfied Always changing And how can you be happy if you are always changing I ask myself who I am But then rephrase the question Who do I want to be But those answers are never easy So why do people always try to give their input I long for a mute button You can't clip a birds wings and then ask why it isn't flying You can't make me hide who I am but still expect me to succeed You can't clip my wings