High school is like Trying to breath underwater __
At first you hold your breath Thinking that you can make it through But then your lungs begin to burn And your body starts to ache So you let out some air Just to try and Feel a little better And before long You're completely out And your head is throbbing And your chest is spasming And every nerve in your body is screaming B R E A T H B . R . E . A . T . H . But you know better So you shout back NO NO NO And you swim up With the last of your energy With the promise of pure air at the end But instead You come across thick glass And you can see The sun in the sky But cannot touch it The wind in the air But cannot taste it The freedom in the sky But cannot believe it Because you are pounding on the glass Shouting SHOUTING And at last you gasp And water pours in to your unsuspecting lungs And all you're left with is the unbelievable disappointment For you had the promise of sunshine Laughing on your face And the summer breeze Dancing in your fingers But you are stuck Behind that glass wall Drowning Because you are trying Oh, so hard to Breath underwater