WhY? -in my Heart I hide the questions I can't cry
This mortal world BelonGs to Fear and sorrow Like a rainbow fades in a sunset of Tomorrow As you reach beyond the realm of understanding There will come a Time when your Souls demanding "Why?"
Listen to the wind It carries the promise of a new beginning Yet none knows where it comes to its ending As it echo wisdom whilst no one is listening It dies with the Hope of a Heart that's weeping
"Turn back your mind unto ME Look at life through MY eyes-tell me,what you see? Does your Heart hold the gift of Believing In a Dream that is worth keeping? Touch the rain as if its MY Heart beating For a world that will always be sEeking To each prayer I wiLl reveal hidden meanings Just as the Day follows up an evening"
If a cloud hides the moon Do the stars stop to shine? If inside you the Light Reveals the Truth from the Lie Only when you will give up ,just to find Sometimes there's Love in asking "Why"-
"No Darkness can conceal answers given,when your own will is bending Unto Mine- In MY own Time You will know