Resubmitted for your tender consideration. It fell between the cracks of us, but I love it so, remembering its birthing, like it was but a moment ago. ~~~~~~
Multi-tasking multi-sensations
kissing your eyes, sensing the tickling of your trembling lashes, between kisses and breathes someone utters word-wisps of love poetry.
right hand strokes thy chest, sensing/sending heartbeats upon my palm to the forever to keep part of my treasury memory chest.
all the while my left finger indexes, it mesmerized, it memorizes the curvature of the face to be stored in the never-forget-always place.
my tongue restless to participate goes whatever it feels like, for the tongue is the only body part with a mind of its own.
my eyes, my eyes, see only the totality of this moment, when mastery of multi-tasking becomes the single best poem this man ever penned with only his entirety.