Solar flares, deep space chambermaid stabbing her molten mop in contempt. There are so many squares that field her space, sifted afire. Tearing out rays of her hair to be, and be see her strands descending lit, the stress level of an unforgettable goddess. She yearns head-over-heels, burns out her core with blinding reason. Not once was she afforded a mirror to know her space. Wiry stick figures subsist under her--fatalistically emotive. Summed up, as water broken, transparent as the life seen through. What pagan rite has shimmied out her soul, what serpent slid her warmth sane? Do not site dawn or dusk, mistake her outer life for an inner one! Do not presume the burden of her focal point, her light hangs overhead swaying interrogation. Caught perfectly for Platonic cave or other... in utero, her light a stillborn beauty--as alive as ever once away from her. She's up, burning...console her, her blood is boiling-- she wants to be accounted for, to outgrow that coo. Only to surprise once and for all a stone's underbelly.