little tike,
kite thread,
strung out
pulling hands, body, fear
into sky, clouds, air,
chicken skin chill
wind shiver cold
stop! mama! scream
little older now,
kites, dreams, birds, feathers
flights, mountain crags
song, soar
mama, now, screams
rolling, plywood floor
no kite, big hand man
grab, spit, roar
tears heave breath
face, mama hands
cry, side, no more
said to floor
metal fireplace
hot, don't touch,
arrow poke fire,
heavy hurt stick
**** big hand man
make mama scream
stop thumping body
slap, flesh, red burn
heavy arrow stick
fall down, thump
face, floor
big hand man
take, this or that
hot scrap belly
bone, angry kite
throw living-room
bed, heavy hands
burn bones, dreams
morning light
mama scoops
legs, arms, teddy
"we're getting out alright"
*subject matter partially stolen from