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Nov 2013
Iris’s dance back and forth behind closed eyelids
Chest expanding up and down, steady
Mouth hangs open, inhaling and exhaling midnight air.

Slither between cotton sheets and bare skin,
Against arm hair, weaving between hills of *******
Pave the trail of goose bumps.

Tunnel past saliva soaked taste buds
Slick scales snag on a slippery uvula
Oil coats the esophagus

Where are the lungs?
Hiss down the vocal chords, echo
Limbless body navigates the diaphragm

Weave past ribs
Under, over, under, over
Spot the synchronized lumps of flesh
Dancing in unison to the rhythm of the life beat
Coil around, hug them tight
Constrict the chest until the dancing stops

Locate the heart, file the fangs
Make the ******* beat stop
Release the venom into the bloodstream
Paralyze every nerve, every fiber
But just enough to nurture agony.
Justina Green
Written by
Justina Green  Boulder, Colorado
(Boulder, Colorado)   
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