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Roger Turner - Poet
Nov 2013
Princess Patricia's Old Vets Home
I came home late from work today
My wife was hopping mad
She said "we've got to put him somewhere"
"I've had it with your dad"
I asked what was the problem
She said "The second you left home"
"He was out back in the garden"
"Sitting, talking to a gnome"
"I see", I said, that isn't good
"Then the war games in the trees"
"The next time I looked out he was"
"Crawling on his hands and knees'
"I went out to go and get him"
"He threw me down and slapped my ***"
He said "you have to get down low dear"
"Or you'll be spotted by the ***"
I suggested that we look about
For a nice old country home
He could play his war games in the woods
And I would let him take the gnome
My wife said "Make it happen"
And I heard through the back door
"It better happen quickly"
"Because I can not take much more!"
I called and found a nice spot
Princess Patricia's Old Vets Place
It was cheap and fit our budget
And it sure had lots of space
We went up for a visit
Before we put my dad in there
I mean, if it was not to his liking
Then it would not be quite fair
The head nurse gave us info
About the hours and the fees
And we told her of how Daddy
Liked to play war games in the trees
She said "He's going to love it"
"It sounds like he's a real good sport"
"The vets here have a Navy"
"Out on the tennis court"
"They strap bed pans to their feet"
"And they go skating down the hall"
"Some unhook their catheters"
"And have duels upon the wall"
"They see who shoots the highest"
"Which one can write their name"
"And every time we show a war film"
"It all ends up the same"
"He'll fit right in, no problem"
"I can sign him in today"
My wife just stood and smiled
Pulled out the cheque,with which to pay
Dad, not really caring
Watched the woods for an attack
I don't think that he cared much
If we ever did come back
He's happy at the moment
Giving orders to the gnome
Out deep in the country
At Princess Pat's Old Vets Home
Life is back to normal
All is well for her and me
Although lately I've seen soldiers
Hiding, watching in the trees.....
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
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