Forgive such indifference, sat beneath a peach tree shaded Cocksure, word of mouth, rambling through the straw Squirrel gnaws bark on the ground, and leaps away vibrant The sun was wild, in the sky she sings The heat she brings, Mother watching, smiles Sir, did you see the Big Sur. Sure did, young sir Australia weeps for she misses the heroine in a green dress - and with spry wrangling hands, gliding from a cliff-top The endlessly named Mrs of the fire does soar Forever on the shore Forever and some more
Turn to the moon and remember how she swooned Mother nature's child, oasis in the wooded world Long leaves of the languid days Beneath the peach tree she lays Lighter in the breeze, swinging chaotic In voluptuous trees, she's symbiotic The new sensation of grass at your back When the cold brick saloon in memoriam is only Sunday's idea of boredom and the grasshoppers are chirping and now the city is quiet For it waits, for her