Too many years ago the talk to scale Of "cell phones" owned but Blackb'rrys for intents, And was a dream of yonder not all thence Could realize, where the "cold war" swore the trail To any future would be sans aught bail 'Cept freedom was derailed, the "commies" hence Keen spies who'd access to our land lines, whence The talk was of which speeches to avail? They killed off Kenn'dy cuz he swore in tour To tell us all, yea, ****** McCarthy too. But that was 'fore my time. Now all that's poor, I'll post online, to find me barred sans cue Cuz wherefore, eh? Go "clear yer cache"?! We were Such fools to cast off fears. LORD, I'll wait You.
Well, I don't. His political sonnets were too dry, or something.