dear reader youve been up for hours you seem so tired. staring silently while you're crawling quietly tracing reality quickly devouring all of the star dust beyond. you slip violently ducking beneath rabbit holes and roots the water rushing up to meet you a harsh reality greets you. fresh palm air ghosting through thine whispers of hair and the seagulls they blare a snappy tune a cookie to grow a potion to shrink honestly a story to make you think nonsense! you cry you bemoan you scream where are the jokes there wasnt meant to be any it was ment to have a point to make people think the end is never the end is never the end your twisted mind starts bickering two cheshire cats? tweedle dee tweedle doo tick tock stop that clock the small blue bunny runs far away children with screens implanted in their tummies oh so yummy so delicious so impure the rapture of the gods the magic of beyond sweet candy houses tall angry mouses a dream or reality who is to say forced joliety joy thats my policy :)
crazed ramblings of a mad man? or a code to be cracked by literate scholars? id rather leave my nonsense everywhere for normals to make sense of the rules do tend to change here