I remember chasing ice cream trucks Long walks down by the shore side Running through the streets and late nights.
Invincible no matter the fall Bounce back and stand ever tall Up and down this slummy street We found the light in the dark And remember where we used to meet?
Train tracks on a railway to no where Salt hills to ride our bikes to a dumb dare Swimming pool after hour escapades And all the penny candy we could raid
Oh I remember, And where did time go? Why can’t we go back to - A us that we used to know Back then we thought of right now But if we knew what we know We’d stay in frozen spaces, Time goes on and we’re missing faces Photographs elapse the times we once had.
I want it all back.
Carnivals and monster trucks Action figures and Toonami, Dragon Ball and Boys Meets World, And don’t forget the Ninja Turtles.
Super Nintendo and pizza Personal pan and fiestas Buffy on the TV And Godsmack on the CD We had it all and we had none But when it came to then and now I was too happy and proud To pontificate on the truth That trickles through like a leaky roof Tapping my shoulder to remind That there is only Play…
We can’t rewind.
Continuing my introspective journey I'm on recollecting my past with my present as I inch slowly to turning 40 this year