Is this a Poetry site,
or a witch hunters' reunion?
Hit on someone's girl
and prepare to be stalked,
all over the internet
and impersonated.
Have your accounts hacked
& never be free
of a certain Virus.
Be deep faked humiliated
as the ignorant isolate you
believing fake screenshots,
handles that are not your own
and in the meantime,
these trolls insist its for the kids
when they bring minors
into their dark dingy dens
Your trust in a wolf disguised
as a woolly little grinning sheep
will not go un-answered
as he builds his kiddie followers.
Manipulates and brain-washes
before the introduction
of perverted reddit sites.
5 of which I have had shut down.
Did I ever ask Kai for images of herself?
Did I ever ask Kai for personal information?
Did I ever ask Kai ****** questions about herself?
As for this **** site non-sense, I never gave her a **** site url. She asked me if I find girls 16 years old and over attractive due to Virus's nonsense. I told her, all men find fully developed girls around that age attractive and one of the most popular sites on the internet is called MET which features girls aged between 19 and 24. However, I would not date a girl or mess with a girl under the age of 27 as life experience is very important as is maturity.
I remember scolding Kai for telling someone what her postcode was on all-poetry in a group I created where people could just shoot the breeze with the mindful of it being all-ages I asked one of the mods to look into it & they said it was Virus Of Life under one of his many aliases. He was allowed to keep his account as he did not press for her actual address or for further info. But why would an American man ask an American 12 year old girl for her postcode and why was he pretending to be a 13 year old girl at the time & behaving like one?
The worse thing is, she did not give him her postcode but the actual city she was living in!!
Its a good thing I read the group's history transcripts as I did not know about this as I was sleeping as they were communicating.
Did I not have a talk with Kai about groomers seeing that I did think the 764 was targeting HP with that **** bot. The thing is I didn't know the **** bot was attacking everyone's inbox. I got the **** bot's message a few hours after writing a poem about the 764 that was not very flattering. you can read it here at All-Poetry.
Posted Nov 2024
After I received the message from the ****-bot, I did panic and asked my few young followers if they received a message that was weird. Kai and a 13 year old from India got back to me saying they both received it while they were at School but I told them not to open the message.
When I opened the message, my antivirus software bounced me safely to Google but I wasn't aware of this as my software did not warn me. I thought the bounce was from the Virus itself which was a warning that they know everything about me from Google.
This is why I took Kai to all-poetry as a precaution until I got more details from the mods here. At all-poetry Kai did take a liking to me as I reminded her of her Papa who left her family. I did sponsor Kai with a 3 month gold account so she could have more freedom on the site and hide her online status, create contests, groups. see who visits her profile, etc etc.
I did encourage her to meet the kids there like Gracious Grace and Hikari and a few others I have known for years and also sponsored. I also told the kids to tell their parents of the sponsorships and the website owner, Kev. I even said to Kev that he can look into my *** with any of them, anytime he wished and I barely spoke to any of them anyway, just commented on their poetry.
Gracious Grace who is 13 who I knew since she was 11 and Hikari about 13 too will vouch for me to say I was never in-appropriate with them, never asked for images, personal info, etc etc.
Anyway, before I did introduce Kai there, I had issues with a troll called Virus Of Life who was not too happy when I hit on his girlfriend, Kate The Shrew. Now Virus Of Life is a Satanist and Satanists are told to destroy their enemies. I didn't even know Kate was taken and this fell on deaf ears. The thing about me was my alcoholism at the time was very bad which is what I am addressing now and I did engage him back back then and especially as he was using my sponsorships of young poets as a weapon against me.
Things were getting very heated and I was concerned I was going to get banned and I wanted to make sure Kai would be okay there as she still wasn't getting to know the kids there. So I told her if I get banned, look me up at underground poetry until I know more of what's happening at HP. I did give her my email in case of an emergency as UP can be difficult to sign up to and indeed she contacted me and I talked her into how to do the process of signing up.
When I knew things were good back at HP, that the security hole was patched and that it was a site-wide bot targeting everyone, I told Kai that we will return to HP.
Things spilled out into a reddit group with Virus which was not 18 plus. Anything that was considered 18 plus in the group had to be censored with a warning it was NSFW.
I did ask Kai to defend me in this group which turned out to be a mistake. They ended up convincing her I was this serial killer *******. That I had made **** threats against Kate and impersonated me to make it look real. The thing is, I was up against about six of them, all Virus & his Satanic friends and Virus or a friend even hacked my email account and sent Kai images of self mutilation from the dark net. He tried deleting the sent messages which he succeeded from my sent box but I received a strange email from Kai about it. I asked my ISP to look into it and they said that indeed I was hacked from a VPN located in Los Angeles & showed showed me screenshots of the email sent.
They have since been impersonating me on reddit and know a-lot about me as I was friends at one point with a few of them for a good six months so the impersonations do come across as genuine.
This story is actually much much longer such as when Virus tried to ****** me by pretending to be his 15 year old niece who does not exist. Myself and the webmaster agreed it was him and the image was without denial, AI generated.
He deep fakes me all the time including a pornographic one I am seeing a Lawyer about. As an artist, he can easily fake screenshots, images with photoshop, etc etc and he has done so to get Kai close to him. He has exposed Kai to actual **** images and ****** talk about his 8 inch *****.
He's been on All-Poetry since he was 16 and has amassed far less than 160 followers. I was there for 2 years and amassed nearly 600 followers. People there don't like him & know his true colors. They won't go up against him knowing he's unpredictable and a complete obsessed lunatic if you cross him but you now know why they don't wish to follow him either.
Ironically, he can write poetry very well but most there makes sure he stays off their radar.
This is what happens if you cross him and this blog is truly bonkers or it was the last time I saw it. Its possible they have tried to make it appear to be more "believable" but I'm not going to read it again to find out.
One last thing - Child groomers would never use their real names as I'm doing now. And I do have my credit card on file on this site to prove I am the real Ryan Geoffrey Hayward. I have been on poetry sites using my real name now for 3 years. I used to change my profile name on AP for a few weeks sometimes when writing as a muse to freshen up my poetry and also here. I won't do that anymore and I ask that minors do not send me *** under the age of 18. Respond to one of my poems instead so its in the public eye. If its a personal matter, talk to Emma, Anais Violet or Thomas W Case if you are a boy. They've been around for-ever.