Space is – vast Space is – the un-ending, the entire universe, the great expanse, the entirety of creation… which is bigger than a person can even wrap their head around. Not only that, but… Space is – expanding. It’s getting bigger? We’re getting further away from the aliens we haven’t even met yet. BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO FAR AWAY. Or maybe we have met, but WE don’t know. Not the entire royal WE, just the WE that in the illuminati. SO – Space is – eternally far away, yet eternity is getting farther awayer. Space is – the final frontier
Space is – genuinely terrifying. We’re stuck on this giant rock that is ABSOLUTELY rotating INCREDIBLY FAST, and – DID YOU KNOW – we don’t just go around the sun in a nice circle… the sun is orbiting a giant black hole… and WE just kind of follow that in a spiral. Space is – distressing, at the very least. Space is – vast Space is – beautiful… isn’t it? I mean when you get past the fear, you can see those dust clouds. Nebulas they’re called. Where stars are created. A star that has such gravity that it slams all the little rocks nearby into each other until they become planets. Space is – the birthplace of life Space is – the site of creation Space is - where you look at the stars and God smiles back at you. Boasting, but not arrogance, just pride. A father proud of his creations. Where pieces fit together in a perfectly precise vastness. Space is – breathtaking