Donna was a med student who excelled with the written work But when it came to the field, with dead bodies she would shirk Which made Regina smirk Regina had two other friends there, Laura & Shawna All three would bully other girls, especially Donna One day Donna had to dissect an eye of a dead body & when she cut what looked like a thick string The coagulated blood & the smell sent Donna puking Everyone found it amusing The professor warned the class to get use to the body oozing While he continued with the lesson, Regina came up with a cruel plan With the help of her friends, they snuck in after, cut off the arm of a dead man And transported it out in a backpack That night, the big man on campus, Jack Threw a party in his dorm room Donna decided to go, hoping to chase away her humiliating gloom There was an array of alcohol, which Donna started to consume Which she has never done before When she started feeling dizzy & couldn’t take anymore She went back to her room & when she got into bed She felt something slimy & smelled bad, then she realized with dread It was something dead Seeing it was an arm, Donna lost her head She started screaming intensely loud Regina, Laura & Shawna were laughing & feeling proud When the screaming stopped, Donna still didn’t come out of the room, which caused them alarm When they opened her door, there was Donna maniacally, gnawing on the severed arm To the dismay of her family, Donna was never the same Rumor has it she now craves dead flesh & was declared insane And that she was committed into Anglings Mental Asylum Since the family moved, no one really knows what became of Donna Wylam.