The other day I tripped over one of your ‘little bumps’ on my path, But I have a feeling those making the road don’t measure nor know math, But could you do a girl a favour, when you hire, Get someone with previous experience prior, Because I don’t know if I’m the only one, But there seems to be an awful lot of them that stun, Maybe fire everyone & replace them with actual professionals that are new, Because they just stand and watch, your current crew, Leaving it all up to an apprentice who leaves a lot of bumps along the way, And your so called ‘professionals’ just sit back and say, “Yep, don’t worry, it’s just a little bump, no one will notice it”, Guess What?!, People are fcking noticing & we get stuck with this sht, So, get your thumb out your **** and get it done right, Or believe me you and I life, will end up in a ****** fight.