In Japan there was a girl named Hanna Mori And this is her legend, her story It was said that Hanna was the beauty of Japan When a rich & well respected gentleman came for her hand She was given in marriage though she was a young age But Hanna has always felt like a pretty bird in a cage Her husband was a samurai He was emotionless guy He wouldn’t even say or give her a kiss goodbye Since he worked all day and sometimes all night Hanna would sit in the balcony to bathe in the moons light As the stars twinkled so bright She wondered if she will ever be happy Then chided herself for being sappy A few months passed, the routine the same Then one day, the new neighbours came Introducing themselves & son, as soon as their eyes met, Hanna was aflame This brought her great shame Even though the boy was 17, only 4 years younger than her She could not give in to the lust, though her heart did stir When one day she received a love letter Saying she deserved better Foolishly she replied & it sparked the secret affair At first she did resist But could not do so after they first kissed He would come over in the guise of working in the garden Hanna knew if her husband found out, there will be no pardon The punishment would be swift But she thought it would be worth it for love is a gift Then the day came, her husband came home due to a cancelled flight And came home to the sight Of his wife preparing herself for her lover Hanna dove for cover But after he bullied her into a confession, he dragged her naked to the neighbours house There the lover was as quiet as a mouse The parents brought him out & he said she forced him to do it Hanna was crushed, it was a hard hit As he went on about her being a ****** predator This, from the boy she loved and couldn’t help but adore Her husband dragged her back home & threw her on the bed “You will pay for this, not now but for all eternity!” he said But Hanna didn’t care She is punished already with a broken heart she cannot bear Her husband grabbed his samurai sword Put it in her mouth & claimed it was her punishment & reward He sliced her mouth open, on both sides, all the way up to her ears He declared that she will forever be the thing that everyone fears That she will forever in the shadow roam Never finding her lover, peace or home But lurk in the shadows for all of time That is her punishment for her shameful crime With no help she bled and died And her husband later committed suicide The legend goes that in shadows she must hide She wears a surgical mask & approaches a lone stranger The victim is drawn in by her beauty, unaware of danger She asks “Am I pretty?” And once they replied in a positive way She takes off her mask, exposing her wounds & asked the same question of her prey Anyone who no longer found her pretty, she will slay So if a person approaches you with a mask, beware of what you say!