Six teenager girls were in a basement, having a sleepover night All was dark expect for the girl telling a scary story with the flashlight When it was Bridget’s turn With a face grim and stern Told the story of ****** Mary The others became wary As she told how Mary had an admirer, her best friend’s dad She was very young and he had thoughts, fantasies that were bad Over the years his lust for her had grown He tried to take advantage one day when she was home alone She heard ringing, so went to answer the phone Mr Borne hit the back of her head; Mary fell & began to groan When she saw his murderous sneer & though it gave Mary a fright Mary tried her hardest to fight When her parents got home it was to a horrific sight She was found beside the full length mirror, her lifeless eyes staring into it And from the inside was a large split In her own blood, she had written the initial B Her watched had stopped in the afternoon, at exactly three They say her spirit is in all mirrors, forever trapped but can be mainly seen at night If you say her name in a mirror, three times & with only one candle for light Mary will be awaken And your life will be taken As long as her soul remains unhealed Do the ritual and your fate will be sealed. Later, after playing with each others hair The girls decided to play truth or dare Natalie chose dare with fear And Sandra gave a mischievous sneer Being mean, with Sandra was habitual She dared Natalie to do the ****** Mary ritual She had to do it or be called chicken Into the bathroom, her heart starts to quicken She lights the candle, as the others close the door Her feet are cold from the tile floor The candle flickers as she breathes in deep Beginning to silently weep She called Mary's name into the mirror, three times All Natalie could hear was the outside chimes Then her candle blew out And Natalie gave a desperate shout The other girls just started laughing, locking her in Natalie stopped shouting, feeling a chill all over her skin She looked into the mirror; there was a girl with a sinister grin Blood was dripping down the walls, the bathtub filling up with it too Natalie’s worst fears grew As the girl came out of the mirror & on to the counter top Natalie begged her to stop But Mary was burning with violence She walked up to her and then there was silence When the others opened the door it was to a grisly scene Natalie’s face was so distorted, like nothing anyone has ever seen Horribly scared, especially the girls, was everyone involved It will remain forever a case unsolved!