Hey Madame Ballerina Queen, Sway sway Sway your Exotic Beauty for me Ive been feeling a bit drowsy with sweet dream and long to be going Somewhere Where your Sweet Beauty and love shall be sweetly there, Madame Ballerina your love can take us there where carefree exquisite flowers waltz in the enchanted rain Within the Luminous Moonlit vineyard
Madame Ballerina sway your fine wine beauty for me just for me and you I'll follow you through the evening rain Beyond all blue, we dont even haveTo really say I love you We'll feel it deeply With just a Sweet gaze of our Souls kindred love Sweet and deep within the gaze And Within every champagne star Tenderly ablaze
Madame Ballerina with the starry Harmonica evenings I'll be loving And following you, Your exquisiteness dazzles me Beyond diamonds and stars And its always been you My love longs to meet Intimate and afar, and I feel you can love me Sweeter than anyone ever could, So tousle the sweet honey gold Of your tresses, And sway with svelte shimmers Your translucent hem like a wand, Loosen our cares and liberate The loving butterflies and roses Fluttering in your Sweet Soul And Pretty Eyes
Hey my exotic darling Madame Ballerina, Share with me the dear honey of your loving ways, And the crecent grooves of your hips Has already begun to sweetly sway Sweet sweet love for me and you, Beyond all the exquisite rain and blue
Caress me within a loving voyage Destination all the more loving I havent had quite enough of your Sweet sweet beauty Madame Ballerina With our loves sacred and honey waters We'll make our senses all roses And Sweet candle sighs
Sway your Love for me And We'll journey like sunflowers To Somewhere fine wine sweet Im ready to heavenly sweetly drift Into your exotic love parades, The Rose moon for us Serenades The vineyard shores and gardens Shall be feeling a new manner of sighing and loving The sultry doves shall not be crying The waves our loves moonlight Like Sweet Salsa shall be riding To Our Loves honey shore caresses Ah, Madame Ballerina liberate The sweet honey of your love And its dresses
Caress me with all your Sweet loving And Exquisite being Madame Ballerina we'll be feeling Candles and Chimes Sweet within the Vineyards sublime Away from the bustle of wistful sorrows Yes yes and Yes is your Exotic sway For the starry caress of Candle love And Skies Our love your beauty the sweeter bliss Of fond tomorrows